How our family stayed together with homeopathy

May 15, 2019

Photo by Blake Barlow on Unsplash

Do you feel like you're family is being torn apart by ADHD/ ADD? If so you are not alone. Most families who come to see me are struggling to keep it together due to the impact of having one or more members of the family expressing traits of ADHD/ ADD.

The addition of homeopathy into the family system can help keep it together.

How can it do this you may ask?

In my experience homeopathy is very effective in helping improve attention, focus, concentration and resolving impulsivity, hyperactivity, aggression, rage and defiance. The traits that are often putting huge strain on a family. Once such traits are resolved, and the families need for peace is met the whole family starts to feel relief. Parents get more breathing space and have the time and energy to be intimate again, and the family gets to focus on positive and fun activities.

Sometimes it is not enough for an individual with ADHD to come for homeopathic treatment alone. Sometimes it is necessary for mom and/ or dad or a sibling to come as well. It's not uncommon for parents and siblings undergoing long-term strain from ADHD to suffer from symptoms of chronic stress. I often see parents of ADHD kids suffering with depression, anxiety, exhaustion and addiction.


"What an amazing transformation in my health and that of my two children. Eileen's insight into their systems has also helped them to get rid of verrucas, nail biting, fear of dogs, anger, screaming. Now, they are both much happier and definitely more balanced. It's so lovely to see and so much calmer in our home.

Once I saw the benefits my children were getting I wanted in on the action too!! I'd been taking antidepressants for some years for PND and was struggling with anxiety (years of sleep deprivation caused my anxiety levels to shoot through the roof. Headaches were a big feature too. Also, I didn't know who I was anymore, becoming a Mummy seemed to have taken over everything. Eileen has consistently picked the correct remedies for me over the past half a year, and during our consultations she is always easy to talk with, non-judgemental and striving to help me find the balance my system needs. I am happy to say I feel content, calm and centred :) I also plan to come off the anti-depressants in the coming weeks with her support.

I now reach for homeopathic remedies instead of conventional medicine, I'm much more in tune with my body (and what's going on for the kids too) and feel empowered to make decisions about which remedy would suit which ailment. I can't remember the last time I reached for the Calpol for the kids!! So thankful for all your help Eileen, what a positive influence you have had on all our lives. Thank you :) Keep up the great work!"

This mom continued with homeopathy for herself and her two children for another 6 months. She did come off anti-depressants and thrived. Her headaches and fibromyalgia improved more than she ever thought was possible.

10 months into treatment her son with suspected ADHD who was once aggressive, vicious, restless, hyperactive, inattentive, whining, complaining, and highly sensitive to reprimands became 'less angry, restless, more still, fidgeting improved...a lot happier to play by himself'. Play went 'from being messy & chaotic, and aggressive to constructive'. He was no longer 'displaying same negative behaviour if not getting mommy time'. 'Behaviour was much better with sister, affectionate, calmer, not throwing toys as much. Much better in the morning, getting ready & dressed. More remorseful, says sorry to sister. Not as shy with play therapy, enjoying play therapy. Reflux improved'.

One year later mom reported that she was 'loving the transformation' in her’s like my lovely boy is returning'. He is 'much more agreeable, not moaning, complaining so much. Not lashing out at sister. More able to negotiate, ask for a toy and wait. More connected to me, coming towards me when having an argument rather than having a tantrum & backing away. More connected when trying to reason with him, will sit on my knee and listen. We have a relationship like we used to have. Shows remorse when he’s been naughty. Much calmer and happier. Not catching colds like he usually would and his veruca’s are about to drop off'.

As you can see from this one case study homeopathy can help heal the chronic ailments of the whole family and help build overall resilience. Once health and vitality is restored it's possible to find and utilize coping strategies, ones we couldn't even see when everything was falling apart. When balance returns to the family system so does peace, patience, compassion, communication, connection, and joy.

If you would like to discuss how homeopathy can help your family you can book a free 15 minute consultation here

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace the advice of your physician or health care provider. First aid situations may require medical or hospital care. Do not use this article as a means to diagnose a health condition. Speak to your doctor if you think that your condition may be serious, before discontinuing any medication that has been prescribed for you, or before starting any new treatment.

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