Take part in an ADHD homeopathic research study, and get FREE specialist treatment for 6 months

Feb 9, 2020

Specialist ADHD/ ADD homeopath Eileen Conneely is launching a research study into the effectiveness of Homeopathy for ADHD, and is inviting a further twelve participants to sign up.


  • You will benefit from specialist homeopathic treatment for ADHD/ ADD

  • Four FREE consultations with Eileen to the value of €600/ $720.

  • Potential improvement in all levels of health - physical, mental, cognitive and emotional.

  • Helping to inform other families of the potential of homeopathy and Homeopathic Detox Therapy to improve the lives and health of children with ADHD/ADD.

Homeopathic Detox Therapy

I am particularly interested in researching the effect of Homeopathic Detox Therapy (HDT) on children with AD/DH. I have been applying Ton Jansen's methodology over the last 2 years. I began using it in cases that were slow to improve or were continually regressing. Once I started to witness the quick progression, and improvements on all levels with this methodology I knew I had to learn more, and spread the word.

HDT aims to detoxify, balance and restore health. From the moment of conception to the present day, a person comes into contact with many harmful substances. The body has excellent ways of eliminating these substances, but gradually becomes overloaded and detox pathways become compromised.

Common damaging exposures include steroids, antibiotics, pesticides e.g. glyphosate, radiation, heavy metals, dental amalgam, epidural, anti-depressants, stimulant/ non-stimulant medication, Proton pump inhibitors, painkillers, contraceptives, bisphenol A, toxic food additives and preservatives, like aspartame, MSG, sodium nitrite, sodium benzoate, flavourings and colourings etc.

HDT involves using isopathic remedy courses in ascending potencies made from toxins that caused the problem in the first place. The treatment is gentle, and offers quick and lasting recovery.


If you would like to join the study you should:

• Have an AD/HD diagnosis.

• Be willing to purchase your own remedies/ detox courses, and follow prescription diligently.

• Be able to commit to four homeopathic consultations over a 6 month period (every 8 weeks).

• Send an update via email on weeks 4, 12, 20.

• Fill in a progression chart beginning, middle and end of treatment.

• Be happy to conduct all consultations via Coviu (telehealth platform).

• Be happy for Eileen to use your (anonymised) case for publication in print, online and in social media.

• Be happy to provide testimonials during/at the end of the study.

Feedback from mom of first study participant, after 4 weeks treatment:

"I wanted to send you our week 4 update. So far we are doing great! I have seen a huge improvement in defiance. He has been enjoyable to be around. He is listening and has been doing chores. He has even willingly kept his room clean. Whining has been non existent until just this week he had one incident where he whined but then he was upset afterwards because as he said “I just ruined my no whining and crying streak”. This by far is the most behavior improvement I have ever seen'. Overall I see a large improvement and homeopathy has exceeded my expectations vs supplements and other things we have tried. I am hoping to see continued recovery, more of a reduction in anxiety, reduced nail biting, and reduced nose picking. I am very happy with reduced defiant behavior!"

How to join

If you would like to avail of this opportunity, please book a free fifteen-minute call to discuss it further: https://www.myradicalremedy.com/book-online

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